Tuesday, June 29, 2010

I want to merge two word docs in following fashion. Doc1={1,2,..n}, Doc2={1,2,..m}.

The final doc should be Doc3 where Doc3_1 = Doc1_1 (first page of doc 1), Doc3_2 = Doc2_1(first page of doc 1),Doc3_3 = Doc2_2 and so on and so forth.

So all pages of Doc1 should be mapped as odd pages of Doc3 while Doc2 pages should be mapped as even pages of Doc3. Is there a way of doing it without writing macros?

Let me know if you come across the solution.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Difference between /etc/hosts and /etc/networks

In many of linux based Operating Systems, /etc/hosts and /etc/networks both files exists. Both files are useful to give aliases to computer names.

/etc/host file contains alias for all the hosts. So if you have host named "tango", you can put an entry " tango", indicating the which IP to connect when OS is told to connect "tango". Moreover you can also specify multiple ips to perticular host.

/etc/networks is helpful to see if two different box names are referring to same ip. As an example "charlie alice" tells OS network adapter that one ip refers to two box names.

Due to similar functionality of /etc/hosts and /etc/networks, /etc/networks is removes from many linux based Systems. Linux based Fedora, RedHat linux and Ubuntu no more have /etc/networks file.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Do you want to win a free iPad(registered trademark of Apple Inc.). Click on the link below. You can win a free iPad. Yes the same iPad which is known as laptop killer. A new generation of tablets itegrated with touch technology.



Saturday, June 5, 2010

VIDEO tag in HTML5

Long long time ago when HTML was invented it was mend to create information and provide information over the Internet ie TCP/IP. The HTML also improved time by time and incorporated the CSS and other beautific attributes.

As time passed the pdf, doc, xml, excel, png, jpeg and other file formates were created and included in the HTML to transfer the data and information. Looking at the new era roaring, vidoes are creating a major part of file transfer. Goolge in GOOGLE I/O published that video tag will be included instead of flash, flv or other objects to be put in the HTML. It will be similar to put a jpeg, png on the web page. H.264 video extension was bought and publisized by google to inlcude as in HTML without any issue and every browser having HTML5 parsing capability, can show and render video like any other HTML tag.

So get ready for heavy video tags on HTML. I would prefer to get higher speed connection as video is the next form of information than text. For more accurate information click HTML5 wiki link .