Saturday, December 25, 2010

Google File System

Here is my understading of Google File System from Youtube video.

Google File System
- provides file system abstraction for scalable system
- Google File System has a Namenode
- Namenode works as master server

- Files are devided into 64 MB chunks (why? Becuase large systems have a very high read load. So 64MB chunks (which are pretty big) are necessary so reads will finish only when chunk is read completely which is regular case)
- Due to high frequency of hard disk failures data needs to be replicated so chunks are replicated
- The locations of the chunks are stored by Namenode and it fits totally in the memory

writing the files
- Coordinated by not executed by Namenode
- Namenode chooses the primary replica to do the writes
- For all the writes the primary replicas would be same
- Now for primary replica is leased for mutation to client i guess
- Namenode does the write ahead logging for each write
- Each chunk server sends back the the ack to primary replica server
- After each write is received at every chunk server primary replica server commands to execute writes
- Writes done and ack is send back to primary replica to client (not to namenode)

Appending Records at the end of the file:
- Record append functionality is provided
- Line can be appended at the end of the line

Deleting Files
- Deleting files works as lazy deletes
- Files are maked delete and the garbage collected
- Deletion is not considered as main operation

GFS also puts some responsibility to clients / programs. As appending records may create muliple reocords in the file and those records are sent back to client/program. The program now reads the file and sees multiple / stale records. Recognizes them and handles the descrepancy. Consider this as trade off between consistency and scalability.

For more information refer to this Google File System.

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